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Frequently Asked Questions

Need more information? Here are the answers to some of our most frequently asked questions. If you still have questions, feel free to reach out.

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Our Process

Website Maintenance

Other Services


Everything you need to know about how we price our services and what’s included.


How much does a website cost?

The simple answer is, it depends. Every website is different and some require more complex customization than others which can affect the final price. We charge a flat rate to design, develop, and launch your website (75% to start and 25% upon completion), then a lower monthly rate to manage and maintain the site once it’s launched to keep it secure and functioning properly. While we can’t give you an exact quote until we know more about your business and how your website needs to function, current investment for a Squarespace template website starts at $500, and custom WordPress websites start at $2,500 with monthly maintenance plans starting at $150/month.

Why that price?

The key word when understanding our pricing is investment. A lot of times that word is used as a polite way of saying “expensive”, but a true investment brings a return, which is exactly what we design our websites to do. Of course we can’t 100% guarantee a return, but because we create all of our websites with a strategic customer flow meant to funnel customers directly to your business, Brocksfield websites are designed to pay for themselves (and then some) relatively quickly. 

What’s included in the price of my website?

All Brocksfield websites include professional website photography, custom lead-generating design and copy for up to 4 pages (e.g., Home, About, Services, Contact), lead-generating forms integration, mobile-optimized design, basic SEO setup, Google Analytics integration, contact form and email setup, and social media integration. While these are the standard features of a Brocksfield website, more complex functionality and customization (e.g., an online store, a customer portal, appointment scheduling, add-ons to increase sales, etc.,) are always available and can be included in your website quote. 

Our Process

A breakdown of what it’s like to work with us and how long the process usually takes.


How does the process work?

Whenever you’re ready to get started, book a free website consultation with us where we’ll discuss your website’s needs, then give you a detailed quote for the design and development of your website as well as the ongoing maintenance plan best suited for your website’s security and functionality needs. From there we’ll send you a set of Terms & Conditions to sign and an invoice for 75% of the cost of the website design and development. Once the contract has been signed and we’ve received your deposit, we’ll meet with you to officially kick off the project. We’ll start by shooting photography, then we’ll begin designing the customer flow of the site. Once the design process has started we’ll meet every 2-3 weeks until the site is finished. Before we launch the site we’ll invoice for the final 25% of the design and development cost plus the first year of website maintenance. Once the final invoice has been paid the site will be officially launched, your maintenance plan will go into effect, and you will be billed annually thereafter. 

How long does the process take?

Our website design and development process usually takes about 6-8 weeks from kick-off to launch, but can take longer for more complex functionality and customization.

When can we get started?

When we receive your signed Terms & Conditions and 75% deposit, your kick-off meeting will be scheduled for our soonest mutual availability. 

Website Maintenance

All the details about how we manage and maintain websites after they’re designed and launched.


What is a website maintenance plan?

Like cars and other heavy machinery, websites require ongoing maintenance so that they can function properly over time. A website maintenance plan is a longterm agreement we enter into once your website has been finalized and launched. For a low monthly fee (billed annually) we monitor your website for suspicious activity, ensure the technology is always up-to-date, make edits as needed, and offer other varying types of ongoing website support.

What’s included in my website maintenance plan?

We offer three distinct website maintenance plans to keep our clients’ websites functioning properly that vary in price and level of support required. All plans include prioritized email and phone support, general page updates and creation of new pages, uploading and formatting of blog posts or products, and troubleshooting of site problems and errors. For detailed pricing and plan inclusions contact us for a quote.

How does it work?

When you book a free website consultation with us you’ll receive a custom website quote, your custom quote will include the maintenance plan we believe will serve your website’s ongoing needs best. Once your new website has been created the cost of the first year of your maintenance plan will be included in your final website invoice. When your website has been officially launched your plan will go into effect and you will be billed annually thereafter. 

What if I don’t want a maintenance plan?

While we highly recommend utilizing one of our website maintenance plans to keep your site properly updated and from crashing or being hacked, these services are optional. To opt out of a website maintenance plan you will need to sign a waiver releasing Brocksfield from liability should something happen to your website once we’ve turned its management over to you. 

If I don’t have a maintenance plan can I still contact you if something happens to my website or if it needs to be changed/updated?

Absolutely — we’re always here to help. Support requests for website clients without a maintenance plan are billed at our current hourly rate of $150/hour.

Other Services

Information on other services like digital marketing, printing services, and graphic design.


Do you offer marketing services?

In an effort to not overextend ourselves and to best serve our website clients, we only offer marketing services once we’ve designed or redesigned your website. We offer social media advertising, Google advertising, SEO services, and much more. If you’d like us to include our monthly digital advertising rates in your website quote just let us know during your website consultation.

Can you design marketing/print materials or a logo for my business?

Like our marketing services, we can only offer graphic and logo design services to our website clients. Rates can be added to your website quote upon request.